API fundamentals for non-developers

API fundamentals for non-developers

About the Course

Learn the basics of APIs—what they are, what they do, how to read API docs—so that you can use Connectors to integrate Front with third-party systems without writing a single line of code. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to understand API reference documentation, identify the API endpoints you need to perform actions in an external system, obtain credentials for an API, and transfer that knowledge to build no-code Connectors integrations in Front.

This course is intended for non-technical audiences: it is not a developer course!  

Course Instructor

Javier Robalino
Javier Robalino
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Intro
    1. New to APIs?
  2. API Crash Course
    1. APIs in a nutshell
    2. What’s an API?
    3. Restaurant analogy
    4. How to use an API
  3. API authentication / credentials
    1. Common API authentication methods
  4. API endpoints
    1. What are API endpoints?
    2. The structure of an API endpoint
    3. URL and HTTP method
    4. Headers
    5. Path parameters
    6. Query string parameters
    7. Body parameters
  5. Making the API request
    1. Bonus: Using Postman
    2. Putting it all together
  6. Receiving the API response
    1. What happens after you make an API request
    2. Working with responses
  7. Read the docs
    1. The docs are your friend
    2. How to find and navigate API docs
  8. Summary
    1. You survived your API crash course!
  9. Recommended resources
    1. Continue your learning
  10. Quiz
    1. Check your understanding
  11. Feedback
    1. What did you think of this course?
  12. Have questions about APIs?
    1. Ask us here
API fundamentals for non-developers

About the Course

Learn the basics of APIs—what they are, what they do, how to read API docs—so that you can use Connectors to integrate Front with third-party systems without writing a single line of code. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to understand API reference documentation, identify the API endpoints you need to perform actions in an external system, obtain credentials for an API, and transfer that knowledge to build no-code Connectors integrations in Front.

This course is intended for non-technical audiences: it is not a developer course!  

Not started
Course Outline
  1. Intro
    1. New to APIs?
  2. API Crash Course
    1. APIs in a nutshell
    2. What’s an API?
    3. Restaurant analogy
    4. How to use an API
  3. API authentication / credentials
    1. Common API authentication methods
  4. API endpoints
    1. What are API endpoints?
    2. The structure of an API endpoint
    3. URL and HTTP method
    4. Headers
    5. Path parameters
    6. Query string parameters
    7. Body parameters
  5. Making the API request
    1. Bonus: Using Postman
    2. Putting it all together
  6. Receiving the API response
    1. What happens after you make an API request
    2. Working with responses
  7. Read the docs
    1. The docs are your friend
    2. How to find and navigate API docs
  8. Summary
    1. You survived your API crash course!
  9. Recommended resources
    1. Continue your learning
  10. Quiz
    1. Check your understanding
  11. Feedback
    1. What did you think of this course?
  12. Have questions about APIs?
    1. Ask us here

Course Instructor

Javier Robalino
Javier Robalino