Managing your Front account in admin settings

Managing your Front account in admin settings

About the Course

In this course, you will get an overview of Front’s settings for a Front admin and the most relevant settings that admins can use to manage their team settings in Front.

This course is for both workspace and/or company admin profiles.

Course Instructor

Matthew Meeks
Matthew Meeks
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Overview
    1. Admin home
  2. User profile types in Front
    1. Admins vs. team members
  3. Admin features to manage your account
    1. Preferences to set up and manage your account
    2. How to manage your teammates
    3. Keep your Front instance clean
  4. Quiz
    1. Check your understanding
  5. Feedback
    1. What did you think of this course?
Managing your Front account in admin settings

About the Course

In this course, you will get an overview of Front’s settings for a Front admin and the most relevant settings that admins can use to manage their team settings in Front.

This course is for both workspace and/or company admin profiles.

Not started
Course Outline
  1. Overview
    1. Admin home
  2. User profile types in Front
    1. Admins vs. team members
  3. Admin features to manage your account
    1. Preferences to set up and manage your account
    2. How to manage your teammates
    3. Keep your Front instance clean
  4. Quiz
    1. Check your understanding
  5. Feedback
    1. What did you think of this course?

Course Instructor

Matthew Meeks
Matthew Meeks