Manage your inbox like a pro

Manage your inbox like a pro

About the Course

Your inbox is a to-do list, and Front wants to help you check off everything on the list as efficiently as you can. Inbox Zero may be fleeting, but it’s possible! In this course, you will learn all the key features in Front to triage your work like a pro — handle the important messages now, while not letting anything else slip through the cracks.

Course Instructor

Helena Li
Helena Li
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Overview
    1. Getting started
  2. Keep your inbox tidy with Archive, Snooze, and Unsubscribe
    1. Archive is your best friend
    2. Snooze for follow-up
    3. Unsubscribe to curate your inbox
    4. Keyboard shortcuts for your most-used actions
  3. Multitask with your Send button
    1. Do more with one click
  4. Front reduces duplicate work
    1. Automatic merging of duplicate private copies
  5. Recommended resources
    1. Continue your learning
  6. Quiz
    1. Check your understanding
  7. Feedback
    1. What did you think of this course?
Manage your inbox like a pro

About the Course

Your inbox is a to-do list, and Front wants to help you check off everything on the list as efficiently as you can. Inbox Zero may be fleeting, but it’s possible! In this course, you will learn all the key features in Front to triage your work like a pro — handle the important messages now, while not letting anything else slip through the cracks.

Not started
Course Outline
  1. Overview
    1. Getting started
  2. Keep your inbox tidy with Archive, Snooze, and Unsubscribe
    1. Archive is your best friend
    2. Snooze for follow-up
    3. Unsubscribe to curate your inbox
    4. Keyboard shortcuts for your most-used actions
  3. Multitask with your Send button
    1. Do more with one click
  4. Front reduces duplicate work
    1. Automatic merging of duplicate private copies
  5. Recommended resources
    1. Continue your learning
  6. Quiz
    1. Check your understanding
  7. Feedback
    1. What did you think of this course?

Course Instructor

Helena Li
Helena Li